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        Cooperation Modes
        time:2020-10-22        hits:

        I. Student Exchange

        1. Student exchange in mutually agreed area(s) for a period ranging from 1 month to 1 year;

        2. The students pay tuition in their home university and the hosting side waivers tuition;

        3. The students pay their international travel, lodging, living expenses and insurance;

        4. Both sides recognize the credits the exchange students get on each other’s campus.


        II. Faculty Exchange

        1. Faculty exchange in mutually agreed area(s) for a period ranging from 1 month to 1 year;

        2. The fees and payment of exchange faculty is to be charged according to specific programs.


        III. Joint Education Programs

        1. Mutual recognition and transference of credits;

        2. Modes: “3+1”, “4+0” and “3+1+1”, etc.

        3. Diploma and Degree: dual diploma and degree if requirements of both sides are satisfied.


        IV. Joint Research

        Professors of both sides collaborate in interested areas and programs and jointly apply for national and international programs and funding.


        V. Joint Sponsoring of International Conferences and Seminars

        Both sides jointly sponsor and organize international conferences and seminars on issues of mutual concern regularly or irregularly.


        VI. Short-term Training

        We offer tailor-made short-term professional training, Chinese Language training and cultural exposure programs for foreign citizens and students, and the details to be discussed and agreed upon prior to the implementation of the programs.


        VII. Others

        Other mutually interested programs are to be arranged within the framework of cooperative agreements and to be agreed upon through discussions.


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