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        HIE Emerging Engineering Education has Developed into a New Level
        time:2020-10-29        hits:

        Recently, the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Announcement of the Second Batch of Emerging Engineering Research and Practice Projects" (No.23, [2020]) published the results of the second batch of emerging engineering research and practice projects approved by the Ministry of Education. The project "Innovation and Practice of 'Three-Dimensional Collaboration, Four-Chain Integration' Industry-Education Integration Mechanism" hosted by Professor Chen Yuetang, Secretary of the CPC HIE Committee, was among the list.

        The construction of emerging engineering education functions an initiative to actively respond to the new industrial revolution, to promote the reform of higher education, and to form an effective carrier for the policy of "Three-All Education" (all-people education, all-process education and all-round education) and "Simultaneous Education" (Equal attention shall be paid to militarism education, materialism education, moral education, world outlook education and aesthetic education). Since that time, HIE has actively gathered consensus and adapted to the needs of development of the times. Based on its current conditions, HIE forges ahead in an innovative and enterprising spirit. It has realized transformations from teacher-centered to student-centered, from discipline-oriented to market-oriented, from separated majors to integrated courses, as well as from supportive partner to leading pioneer. It also has been actively enhancing the sense of responsibility and mission to serve national strategy and regional development. It takes the construction of emerging engineering education as a leading force to strengthen quality awareness, promote quality revolution and build quality brand.

        HIE takes the first batch of emerging engineering research and practice projects of the Ministry of Education as foundation and the second batch of that as a new opportunity to develop emerging engineering education and to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional majors and construction of emerging engineering majors, so as to provide personnel, intellectual and scientific and technological support for regional and national economic and social development.

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