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        Cloud teaching and online supervision guarantee teaching quality
        time:2022-04-18        hits:

               "The Teaching Supervision Group (TSG) has conducted online supervision on 759 courses, accessing online classrooms 122 times for on-the-spot supervision and attending 48 periods of classes." Recently, some teachers and students could not attend off-line classes on campus due to the pandemic. Therefore, HIE immediately responded to the challenge and adopted online teaching from the 4th week on. Adhering to the principle of "Differentiating teaching modes with consistent quality", the TSG actively explored different ways to supervise online classes and carried out effective online teaching supervision.

        The TSG accessed online classrooms to supervise the online teaching, students’ performance, and class management. They pointed out problems of online teaching and exchanged ideas with lecturers timely. They also shared their observations of online teaching with relevant teaching units and the academic affairs department, ensuring orderly and efficient online teaching with higher quality. In the teaching work meeting, all colleges shared their insights about supervising online teaching and enhancing online teaching effectiveness.

        All schools of HIE played a part in maintaining teaching quality and promising students’ takeaways from the classes. The School of Mechanical Engineering offered technical guidance by recording demo classes on the Apps of Tencent Meeting and Tencent Classroom. In this way, other teachers learned how to interact with students online. Besides, personal tutors accessed online classrooms and observed students’ engagement in the classes. Also, the school purchased and assigned cameras to classes, issuing the “Online Teaching Interaction Solution" for distance learning. The School of Computing Science and Electronics held a meeting about emerging online learning issues with the app of Tencent Meeting, and people in charge shouldered the responsibility of arranging the duty roster. The School of Marxism gathered teachers to prepare online and offline lesson plans. They also explored a teaching model of “Prestigious Teachers' Classroom" for distance learning, which pooled the wisdom of the teaching team to improve teaching quality. CPC member teachers kept a close eye on online classrooms, urging teachers and students to fulfill their responsibilities.

        The TSG strengthened online teaching supervision with work ethics and constantly pondered on how to improve working capability and enhance the effectiveness of online supervision for teaching quality. They further explored online learning and teaching management, summarizing the basic norms and quality standards of online teaching, which contributes to the integrated teaching reform of the university.

                 (Reviewed by: Wang Jiayi, Gong Qian)

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