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        HIE Held an Online Meeting with Lodz University of Technology
        time:2021-05-13        hits:

        On May 10th, HIE and Lodz University of Technology held together an online meeting, during which representatives from HIE joined in Classroom E-105 on main campus. Vice President Luo Yiping participated in the meeting via video.

        Leaders of the two sides introduced respectively school positioning, school-running level, superior disciplines, and achievements in the internationalization of education. Participants also discussed and exchanged views on teacher-student exchanges, scientific research cooperation, cooperation in running schools, and joint training. Both sides see a bright future for further cooperation between the two universities, and look forward to realizing it as soon as possible.

        Mr. Andrzej, Vice President of Lodz University of Technology, Ms. Dorota, Director of the International Department of Lodz University of Technology, Ms. Adrianna, Director of the Training Department of Lodz University of Technology, Deng Yi, Director of the International Exchange Office of HIE, Zhang Xizheng, Dean of the School of Computer and Communication, Cao Liying, Vice Dean of the School of International Education, and Zhang Ke and Wang Shuangning, representatives of Polish-Chinese Friendship Association, attended the meeting.

        Lodz University of Technology is one of the best science and technology universities in Poland. It has been certified by the ABET Engineering Technology Committee and has a history of training engineers for 75 years. With a stable school system, it possesses 11 colleges and departments, including the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Electrical and Electronics, and the School of Computing and Control Engineering. It is a dynamic polytechnic institution. According to a report by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, it ranked the fifth most popular university in Poland. As an application-oriented engineering undergraduate college, HIE aims to cultivate high-quality applied talents. Its advantages in electrical, mechanical, textile, chemical, management, information and other majors share a parallel development direction with Lodz University of Technology.

        (Reviewed by Yang Yonghe, Wang Jiayi)

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