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        Breakthroughs made in the 2021 MCM
        time:2021-04-27        hits:

        Recently, the results of the 2021 American College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling were announced. Our school's team, under the instruction of Teacher Fang Jianglin, won the Finalist Award (abbreviated as F Award). Its team members are Tan Tian, majored in Statistics of Class 1802, Deng Jia, majored in Information Science of Class 1802, and Zhu Zirui, majored in Artificial Intelligence of Class 1902. According to the results of the MCM, the proportion of F awards is only 0.17%. The F Award won by our school contestants constitutes a major breakthrough over the years.

        The American College Students' Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) is an international mathematical contest in modeling sponsored by the American Federation of Mathematics and its Applications, and it is also the most influential mathematical contest in modeling in the world. Questions concerned in this competition involve such fields as economy, management, environment, resources, ecology, medicine, safety and so on. The team is formed by three undergraduates. Within four days, each team should complete all tasks ranging from model building, solutions seeking, verification to paper writing.

        Since the Mathematical Modeling Team of the School of Computing Science and Electronics won the Honorable Mention Award (H Award) last year, the School of Computing Science and Electronics has further strengthened the construction of the mentor team for subject competitions, introduced a performance award policy for subject competitions, and continued to promote the work of subject competition, playing a positive role in improving quality and efficiency, so as to lay a solid foundation for effectively improving the quality of talent training.

        (Reviewed by Yang Yonghe, Wang Jiayi)

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